Purpose in the workplace

Linkedin study highlights the role of purpose strategies in the workplace

In a 2016 report, LinkedIn partnered with Imperative to find out how purpose-driven strategies affect businesses and their employees. The report comes in the midst of a movement within the workforce to find roles that provide personal fulfillment. It also examined how purpose, when clearly communicated and implemented through employees, can have tangible business results.  

Among the key findings are:

  • 58 percent of companies with a clearly articulated and understood purpose experienced growth of 10 percent as opposed to 42 percent of companies not prioritizing purpose
  • 73 percent of purpose-oriented people are satisfied in their jobs versus 64 percent for those who are not purpose-oriented.
  • 39 percent of purpose-oriented workers are likely to stay at their jobs for 3 years or more.

For more information, read the full report here.

proofMark O'Renick